90 research outputs found

    Energy savings for residential heating in two pairs of buildings achieved by implementation of actually consumed energy measuring

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    The paper presents results of heating energy consumption measurements in two pairs of buildings in community New Belgrade for two heating seasons. Influence of these measurements on energy savings is also presented. The measurements were carried out during heating seasons 2002/03 and 2003/04 in buildings in Block 34 and 63, connected to the district heating system "Beogradske elektrane". The buildings in each pair have similar architectural and thermal characteristics. One of the buildings in a pair was "test" building and the other "control" one. In the "test" building the energy consumption for heating of each apartment was measured, as well as total energy consumption for the whole building in the substation. Occupants were able to regulate the heating system. In the "control" building the energy consumption was measured only for the whole building, and occupants had almost no impact on heating energy consumption. The comparison of energy consumption for heating in the "test" and "control" buildings is given in the paper, as well as analysis of the influence of energy consumption measurements on the achieved energy savings

    Energy savings for residential heating in two pairs of buildings achieved by implementation of actually consumed energy measuring

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    The paper presents results of heating energy consumption measurements in two pairs of buildings in community New Belgrade for two heating seasons. Influence of these measurements on energy savings is also presented. The measurements were carried out during heating seasons 2002/03 and 2003/04 in buildings in Block 34 and 63, connected to the district heating system "Beogradske elektrane". The buildings in each pair have similar architectural and thermal characteristics. One of the buildings in a pair was "test" building and the other "control" one. In the "test" building the energy consumption for heating of each apartment was measured, as well as total energy consumption for the whole building in the substation. Occupants were able to regulate the heating system. In the "control" building the energy consumption was measured only for the whole building, and occupants had almost no impact on heating energy consumption. The comparison of energy consumption for heating in the "test" and "control" buildings is given in the paper, as well as analysis of the influence of energy consumption measurements on the achieved energy savings

    Pregnancy after bilateral fimbrioplasty: classic corrective operation on fallopian tubes in the era of laparoscopy progress and assisted reproductive techniques - case report

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    Tubarni čimbenik kao uzrok bračnog steriliteta u praksi susreće se u oko 30 do 40% slučajeva. Zbog sve boljih rezultata metoda asistirane reprodukcije, mikrokiruški zahvati na jajovodima moraju biti jasno indicirani, bez obzira na to rade li se takvi zahvati laparotomijskim ili laparoskopskim pristupom. Prikazali smo slučaj fimbrioplastike u 35-godišnje žene liječene zbog sekundarnog bračnog steriliteta prije 12 godina. Također smo opisali trudnoću i porod ove žene. Uzrok steriliteta je bila obostrana terminalna okluzija jajovoda, dokazana rendgenskom histerosalpingografijom. Obrada pacijentice započeta je nakon tri godine sekundarnog steriliteta. Uredna intrauterina trudnoća ostvarena je u prvom pokušaju, dva mjeseca nakon obostrane fimbrioplastike. Trudnoća i porod navedene pacijentice protekli su uredno. Cilj ovoga rada je da se s vremenskim odmakom od 12 godina prikažu prijašnji tehnički operativni dosezi u ovom području ginekološke kirurgije, te da se iz današnje perspektive analiziraju rezultati klasičnih korektivnih operacijskih zahvata u području jajovoda s onima koji se danas izvode laparoskopskom operativnom tehnikom.Tubal infertility factor as a cause of matrimonial sterility is encountered in practice in about 30 to 40% of cases. Since the results of assisted reproduction techniques are improving every day, microsurgical procedures on Fallopian tubes must be strictly indicated, even if such procedure is done by laparotomic surgery or laparoscopic approach. In this article, we present a case of fimbrioplasty in a 35-year-old woman, who was treated for secondary infertility 12 years ago. Also, we describe the pregnancy and delivery of this woman. The cause of infertility was bilateral distal tubal occlusion, confirmed by x-ray hysterosalpingography. This patient started treatment within three years of secondary infertility diagnosis. Regular intrauterine pregnancy was achieved by first attempt, two months after bilateral fimbrioplasty. The course of pregnancy and delivery were normal. The aim of this article is to assess technical achievements of gynecological surgery, during a 12-year time span, and also to analyze the results from today\u27s perspective of classical corrective surgical procedures on the Fallopian tubes, compared to those that are now performed by laparoscopic operative techniques

    Compendium of sling operative techniques in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women

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    Inkontinencija mokraće često je stanje, posebno u žena i bitno utječe na kvalitetu svakodnevnog života. Pogođeno je čak do 50% žena starije životne dobi. Etiologija inkontinencije mokraće i prolapsa zdjeličnih organa nije u cijelosti poznata, ali dovodi se u vezu s vaginalnim porodom. Pri vaginalnom porodu dolazi do poremećaja statike organa male zdjelice uslijed prevelikog rastezanja i oštećenja mišića i fascija. Žene pikničke konstitucije, žene u perimenopauzi, a pogotovo žene u postmenopauzi, zbog pada razine estrogena znatno češće bivaju pogođene. Početkom 90-ih godina 20. stoljeća Integralna teorija Petrosa i Ulmstena označila je prekretnicu u razvoju novih minimalno invazivnih sling metoda. Sve stresne inkontinencije urina (SIU) mogu se liječiti sling metodama koje su danas zlatni standard u liječenju SIU. Nove, minimalno invazivne sling metode većinom su zamijenile klasične operacije za liječenje SIU, bez bojazni od slabije učinkovitosti. Ovim pregledom minimalno invazivnih sling metoda za liječenje SIU želi se usporediti učinkovitost i komplikacije pojedinih inačica navedenih metoda. Obrađene metode uključuju TVT (Tension free Vaginal Tape) metodu, TOT (Transobturator Tape) metodu, TVT-O (Tension free Vaginal Tape- Obturator), te najnoviju tehniku MiniArc®. TVT metoda podrazumijeva postavljanje mrežaste trake retropubično pod srednju trećinu uretre. Učinkovitost TVT metode kreće se od 86 do 99%. TOT je transopturatorna metoda, razvijena s ciljem smanjenja intraoperativnih komplikacija povezanih s prodorom kroz retropubični prostor, koje su moguće kod TVT metode. Nadalje, novija sling tehnika TVT-O u kojoj traka prolazi kroz opturatorni otvor u smjeru od iznutra prema van, svojevrsna je alternativa TOT metodi, jer smanjuje mogućnost komplikacija povezanih s TOT metodom. Najnovija tehnika, MiniArc®, nastavak je razvoja minimalno invazivnih metoda liječenja SIU, ali za jednoznačan zaključak o učinkovitosti i sigurnosti potrebno je više podataka o ovoj metodi. Sve metode podjednako su učinkovite, te bolesnice imaju značajno poboljšanu kvalitetu života nakon zahvata. Sumarno, može se reći da transopturatorni pristup ima manje težih komplikacija nego retropubični.Incontinence of urine is a common condition, especially in women, affecting the quality of everyday life. Up to 50% of elderly women are affected. The etiology of this condition is not known entirely, although it is often linked to vaginal delivery. During vaginal delivery, the pelvic organs lose their original position, due to overstretching or damage of muscles and fasciae. Overweight women, as well as those in peri- and postmenopause, due to low estrogen levels, suffer more frequently of this condition. In the early 1990s the Integral theory by Petros and Ulmsten demarked a turning point in the development of new minimally invasive sling methods. All types of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) can be treated by sling methods, which, in turn, are a golden standard for the treatment of this condition. These new, minimally invasive methods, can fully replace older, classic operations for treatment of SUI, without any concern of deficient results. This review intended to put emphasis on the comparison of these sling methods, in order to see if they are equally successful, and if there is a difference in the risk of complications. Sling methods taken into account are TVT (Tension free Vaginal Tape), TOT (Transobturator Tape) method, and TVT-O (Tensionfree Vaginal Tape-Obturator), as well as the newest method MiniArc®. The TVT method includes placing a mesh tape, retropubic, under the middle third of the urethra. This method is from 86% to 99% effective. The TOT method was developed in order to decrease complications associated to penetrating through the retropubic space, which are more common when using TVT. Further on, a newer technique, in which the sling passes from “inside-out” the TVT-O, is an alternative to the TOT method, since it minimizes the possibility of complications associated to the TOT. The latest technique, MiniArc®, is an extension of the endeavor to create the least invasive method for SUI treatment, but more extensive data about this method is required. All sling methods are equally effective and women report a higher quality of life after undergoing a sling procedure. To conclude, it can be said that the transobturator approach is less likely to develop severe complications than the retropubic approach

    Experimental analysis and FEM modelling of a cutting tool vibrations

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    Presented in this paper is a comparative analysis of vibrations, measured during machining process and modelled by FEM. Moreover, microscopic structure of chip cross section was analyzed in order to establish the frequency of lamellae generation and its influence on the total level of vibrations of the cutting tool. Based on the results thus obtained, a method was proposed which allows determination of tool wear degree through separation of reliable indicators from the high-frequency spectrum of the measured vibration signals. This investigation showed that the change of chip segmentation frequency significantly influences the output vibration signal within the high-frequency spectrum, and is a function of tool wear degree

    Corrosion damage of seam welded galvanized hot water pipelines

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    Svrha ovog rada bila je utvrditi uzrok nastajanja korozijskih oštećenja na toplovodnim čeličnim šavno zavarenim pocinčanim cijevima. U tu svrhu, bilo je potrebno provesti analizu kemijskog sastava cijevi toplovoda, ispitivanje mikrostrukture uzoraka cijevi, vizualni pregled unutarnjih površina cijevi te analizu kemijskog sastava uzoraka vode iz odabranih dijelova cjevovoda. Analizirani su uzorci cijevi oštećenog toplovoda, zamijenjenog toplovoda te novih nekorištenih cijevi. Istraživani su učinci lokaliziranih korozijskih procesa. Ispitivan je utjecaj strukture zavarenog spoja na intenzitet korozijskog procesa. Analiziran je sinergijski učinak cinka iz zaštitne prevlake cijevi i bakrenih iona iz izmjenjivača topline na razvoj korozijskih procesa unutar sustava toplovoda. Istraživane su temeljne pretpostavke za nastajanje i razvoj različitih oblika korozije bakra kao i utjecaj djelovanja bakrenih iona. Ispitan je utjecaj temperature vode u toplovodu na razvoj korozijskih procesa. Rezultati ispitivanja ukazuju da je korozijski proces nastao zbog povećane koncentracije bakra u cijevima toplovoda.The aim of this paper was to determine the cause of corrosion damage on hot water seam welded galvanized pipelines. Chemical analysis of the pipeline samples as well as their microstructure analysis has been undertaken. Visual inspection of samples of the internal surface of the pipelines was conducted, as well as the chemical analysis of water samples from specific regions of the hot water pipeline. The analysed samples came from the damaged pipeline, replaced pipeline and also from the new, unused pipelines and compared. The effects of the locally developing corrosion processes have been investigated. The influence of the welded joint structure and its heat-affected zone on the corrosion process intensity was analysed. The synergistic effect of zinc from the pipeline coating and the copper ions from the heat exchanger on the water systems corrosion development has been analysed. The fundamental preconditions of formation and development of various copper corrosion types were investigated, as well as the affecting influence of copper ions. The influence of hot water temperature against corrosion processes development was inspected. The testing results have showed that the corrosion process was generated due to the increase of copper concentration in hot water pipeline

    Model prikolice za transport voća i grožđa

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    The problem with fruit production lies in big yields, that can differ much and in very sensitive fruits especially if they are for fresh consumption or stored fresh for longer period. Yield can vary from 20-50 t/ha up to 100 t/ha for apples. During harvesting, packaging, transportation out of the filed and to the storage and further, fruits are very susceptible to damage so special care must be taken. Evan a small damage during the manipulation in period of storage can cause a serious diseases and loss of quality. A producer from Smederevo has constructed a trailer with low clearance that is adjustable for coupling with small tractors (IMT 539 or IMT 542). This tractor-machinery couple is suitable for movement between rows and on public roads. The trailer is single-axel 3 m long, 1.5 m wide, with 1.3 m height and 0.24 m clearance.U voćarskoj proizvodnji neke vrste voća dostižu prinos i do 100 t (npr jabuke), a većina od 20-50 t, s jedne strane, i druge, da se radi o veoma osetljivim plodovima, pogotovu ako se isti čuvaju i koriste u svežem stanju u dužem vremenskom periodu. Prilikom berbe ploda, ostavljanje u ambalažu utovaru, iznošenju iz zasada, transportu do skladišta za čuvanje, mora se pokloniti izuzetna pažnja. I najmanje mehaničko oštećenje u toku čuvanja ploda dovodi do pojave bolesti - truleži. Proizvođač iz Smedereva konstruisao je prikolicu sa niskim klirensom prilagođenu da se agregatira s traktorom manje snage motora (npr. IMT-539 ili 542) tako da je agregat prilagođen za kretanje u zasadu i javnom saobraćaju. Prikolica je jednoosovinska dimenzija 3.000 x 1.500 mm, visine napred 1.300 i pozadi 240 mm

    Parametri eksploatacionog potencijala ratarskih prskalica

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    More and more rigorous ecologic EU regulations are placing the users of the equipment for pesticides applying in front of the large challenges. Legislation frame for pesticides and machines applying are changing continually. Because of the legal codes effects, it is necessary that mechanization used in plant protection dose precise, without any losses and with equal dispose in order to achieve the optimum success in plant protection with the minimal amount of pesticide and simultaneously protect the environment. Based on two-year experiment with sprinklers in crop production, it was established that its exploitation potential was disturb in most of the cases. Such condition can not ensure high-grade and rational chemical protection that has a consequence in lower yields and environment pollution. For those reasons, implementation of obligatory control for each machine before selling and during exploitation in certain intervals is suggested.Sve rigorozniji ekološki propisi EU postavljaju korisnike tehnike za primenu pesticida pred velike izazove. Okvirni pravni uslovi za upotrebu biljnih zaštitnih sredstava i mašina menjaju se kontinualno. Zbog dejstva zakonskih odredbi potrebno je da mašine za primenu pesticida egzaktno doziraju, aplikuju bez gubitaka i zaštitna sredstva ravnomerno raspodeljuju, kako bi se sa minimalnom dozom postigao optimalan uspeh u zaštiti bilja a istovremeno sačuvala životna sredina. Na osnovu dvogodišnjeg proveravanja ratarskih prskalica kod nas, ustanovljeno je da je u većini slučajeva narušen eksploatacioni potencijal prskalica. Takvo stanje mašine ne može da obezbedi kvalitetnu i racionalnu hemijsku zaštitu što za posledicu ima umanjenje prinosa i zagađenje životne okoline. Iz tih razloga se i kod nas predlaže uvođenje obavezne kontrole svake mašine pre puštanja u promet, kao i tokom eksploatacije u određenim vremenskim periodima